Sep 13, 2013

Injustice done to my family in Lucknow, Need your support & Help

Subject: Injustice done to my family in Lucknow. Need your support & Help..!!

Dear Mam/Sir. My name is Hussain Mirza and I’m writing to you from Dubai in expectation of bringing out to light, an ordeal that my family is presently going through in Nakhaas - Lucknow. Altercation and subsequent pelting from my erstwhile neighbors has escalated to insanity in recent times. While all efforts from my end have failed till date, the local governance and the police station have also turned a deaf ear to my wife’s repeated pleas of justice. The police station even refused to file her lodged complaint of late.

Finding no other alternative, am writing to you in the hope that this nuisance is exposed and the lawmakers can book the culprits under a punishable offence. Please find attached the detailed flow of events from the very inception till date. I’m writing to every media house in the nation hoping that at least someone can stand by my family during these trying times. Hoping for Justice.



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